Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition where the plantar fascia at the bottom of your foot becomes irritated and inflamed. At Reisinger Farmer Podiatry in Evansville, IN, Dr. Charlotte Reisinger and Dr. Dusky Farmer work with patients to provide assessment and treatment for plantar fasciitis and other problems of the feet and ankles. If you have pain in your feet with no clear explanation, it's time to see how a podiatrist in Evansviille, IN can help.

The Basics of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the fascia at the bottom of your feet. You might have mild irritation that goes away in a few days, or experience significant pain that makes it hard for you to put pressure on your feet. Many runners experience plantar fasciitis at some point, although others can get plantar fasciitis from walking too long in the wrong shoes. If you have pain at the bottom of your feet, it's time to get the issue checked out by a podiatrist.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Stretching, rest, ice, compression and elevation will all help a mild case of plantar fasciitis. You might try over-the-counter medication for inflammation to try to deal with the pain at home. If at-home treatment doesn't work, a podiatrist can help to uncover the cause of your problem. You may need custom orthotics in your shoes to give your feet the support they need while walking or running. Night braces can help stretch your feet out at night and relieve tension. Cortisone shots can help reduce inflammation if needed. There are a number of conservative treatment options your podiatrist will try, such as physical therapy. If none of the treatment is effective, there are surgical options for you to discuss with your podiatrist.

Schedule Your Podiatry Appointment Now

If you are struggling with pain in your feet, it's time to get the treatment you deserve. Contact us at Reisinger Farmer Podiatry in Evansville, IN at 812-421-8555, and set up your initial appointment. You will meet with Dr. Reisinger or Dr. Farmer to discuss what is going on with your feet, and get the care you need to heal.

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